Сървър на Minecraft SpaceDelta

SpaceDelta is a Factions network set in the aftermath of an intergalactic war.

An ambitious adventurer seeking riches and fame, you arrive on a war-torn and overgrown Earth, keen on dominating this new land with your newly forged alliances.

- 4 classes
- 12 skill trees
- Weekly server missions
- Regular KOTHs
- Hourly Envoy Drops
- PvE Challenges
- Immersive lore

With tremendously exclusive and custom content, we seek to create a fun, unique and well-polished experience by revolutionizing the well-worn Factions experience.

Visit us at spacedelta.net!

Status: Online
IP: Spacedelta.net
Uptime: 99.1%
Country: US
Players: 5/1
Вграждане на код

Tags: Economy Factions PvE PvP

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020