Сървър на Minecraft ToyboxMC

ToyboxMC is a server that perserves the vanilla Minecraft experience, whilst also giving you extras to make your time on our server as fun as possible.
We offer free ranks and extra /sethomes for voting, and in-game cash/item rewards too! We have the best grief prevention plugin, which gives you more features than every other server.

Each vote on a site gets you closer to the next ranks, with each rank comes an extra sethome.

You can earn up to 16 for free!Want to make some extra cash? Purchase a warp and make a player shop! Become wealthier than anybody else!

So what are you waiting for? Connect to play.toyboxmc.com and jump into the portal to randomly teleport you to our survival world. We cant wait to have you! :D

Status: Online
IP: play.toyboxmc.com
Uptime: 99.8%
Country: GB
Players: 0/50
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Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020